Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cake Pops

This new discovery was so delicious! Especially the red velvet ones with white chocolate.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Art from a friend

Chocolate... that you can share.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Il mio buon amico, Harrison, è in corso una missione in Italia! È eccitante perché abbiamo conosciuto prima del genere ci ha detto, ma non erano veramente coscienti. Voglio dire, the "Italia" era lì, insieme a la "missione" but non sapevamo Harrison è stato membro e ho pensato a me che egli sia un membro e dal 2009 si è laureato in, potrebbe essere 19 e ricevendo ready per la sua missione!
* Sigh * Sono lieto che vi accenni futuro a cose che sembrano piccole ma dire qualcosa di molto più grande di noi.
Buona Fortuna, mi amico meraviglioso. (Good Fortune to you, friend!)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Spaghetti Eis

This looks delicious! It's ice cream made through a Spaetzle Press mixed in whipped cream, strawberry sauce over it, with shredded white chocolate, crushed almonds, or coconut flakes atop. If you want, add a piece of waffle cone.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I'd like to visit and stay here for awhile (unnoticed, though).

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Trails of Raining FIreflies

You know,
I've never seen fireflies before...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A 'Hm.' day ' )

Io volo con gli occhi aperti.
Castle helped me today. Brought my spirits up.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Music Of The Past

Here's Justin Nozuka. He has -from what he says- soulful music.

He's right.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Found this. Quite intriguing.
Although, I wish to make a house inside a C.R. Tree before I die- which is not soon in case anyone wonders.

The sky

Sometimes I think of flying, and then I can't hear anything but my thoughts (which is how I managed to not go crazy from silence).

I think I see someone in this light.

H-yeah! I think it is!